Link Building Best Practices with Eric Ward aka LinkMoses
Questions, answers, opinion and advice on link building best practices, based on my personal experiences as a content publicist for hundreds of web sites, from 1994 to today.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
LinkMoses Private is Now Available
LinkMoses is changing into a subscription based private monthly newsletter.
The true experts in the field of link building, link marketing, and SEO are few and far between. Many are now providing their expertise privately, behind paywalls. I've been giving advice for free for 16 years. :)
So, I've launched LinkMoses Private at a price of $8/month. That may sound low, but this way I can share my many years of linking strategy development experience with any size business, and not cater only to big corporate sites. What exactly is LinkMoses Private? Read about it at
Monday, April 12, 2010
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Link Diversity Defined and Explained with Video (LinkMoses Resurrected 10)
Ahhh, Link Diversity...
Linkmoses loves it when a seemingly technical and complex concept can be broken down and simplified, and Rand Fishkin at SEOmoz is one of the best at doing this. Give him a whiteboard and I do believe he could solve global warming. I've embedded a video of his that beautifully explains link diversity below.Link Diversity means different things to different people. Some folks think link diversity is the number of links you give to other sites from your site. Links out, not in. There's also the school of thought that link diversity is the total number of pages from your site that are linked to by other sites. Meaning if your site has 173 pages, and you have links from other sites linking to 28 of your 173 pages, that's link diversity. That's getting closer, but not exactly.
Here's the most basic definition of Link diversity. Link diversity is the number of different sites linking to your site. To confuse it a bit, link diversity is also when another site links to more than just one page of your site.
We can take this many steps further, and invoke the old quality of diversity mantra. Having links from 652 different domains is useless if all 652 domains come from a link farm to begin with.
Linkmoses takeaway?
Lower diversity numbers from highest quality sites trump higher diversity numbers from low merit sites.
A site with 10 inbound links, where those ten inbounds are comprised of three libraries, two universities, and five non profits, will have a much more appealing and diverse link profile than a site with 100 links from 100 different make money fast domains.
Achieving link diversity is another matter completely
The approach needed to improve link diversity will depend on your site. Sorry, no magic bullets here. The link diversity potential for a site that sells tennis gear versus a site that helps handicapped people find companion animals will be quite different. In that sense, for link diversity to have any lasting impact on traffic or rank it must be dependent upon the subject relevance of that diversity.
Below is Rand's video. It's just a few minutes of your time, and well worth it. If it wont load, you can find it at
SEOmoz Whiteboard Friday - Link Diversity from Scott Willoughby on Vimeo.
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to eric [at] ericward [dot] [com]
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Link Building for Personalized Search (LinkMoses Resurrected 9)
In the wake of the recent news Danny Sullivan covered excellently at SearchEngineLand in Google Now Personalizes Everyone's Search Results, some of you may be having a link building PANIC ATTACK.
For the most part, high merit content owners should have no fear, because personalized search doesn't somehow turn your high-merit content into no-merit content.
I feel a small sense of vindication. It seems like forever since I wrote Google Personalized Search, Google Bookmarks & Link Building. You might want to re-read it. It was a couple years ago.
I'm finally working on that Personalized Link Building Strategies Special Report I mentioned two years ago. The report will not include tricks for fooling algorithms. It will include practical, ethical, and responsible link building advice specific to personalized search results, My goal is to explain what you can and can't influence, as well as how and when you should.
The key takeaways from all this...
On the web, where engines index URLs by the billions, (the good, the bad and the ugly), signals of trust, merit, and intent of source will be crucial to any search result, including a personalized search result.
Signals of trust, merit, and intent of source can be determined in a couple ways...with an algorithm that looks at on-site or off-site signals, or without an algorithm at all, using offline factors (rarely discussed, BTW).
So links, citations, inclusions and connections, along with confidence, intent, credibility and veracity, aren't going anywhere, because what other signals are there?
Seriously, if you had a billion dollars and wanted to start a search engine, what's your big fancy algorithm going to study in order to produce useful results?
What's likely true is the sources of all signals are getting more and more algorithmic scrutiny, and end users play a larger role in this process in many ways. The links you depend on for both traffic and rank better be bullet-proof and not a house of cards waiting to crumble. If your link building tactics and targets have not been wisely chosen, the day is coming (or already has) when you will not be happy.
The value of certain types of links cannot be underestimated...
Why? Because they are so hard to get, and are based on a decision made by a person (as in, um, personalized) who is a passionate subject expert. They don't have to be a Ph.D or a librarian or a famous blogger. They just have to be able to provide algorithmic confidence signals. And you need to know what those signals are. I know what many of them are, only because I've sat in front of a PC screen for way too many years studying this, working at it, over and over and over. If I'm an expert at all I'm an accidental expert.
And as you know, I'm happy to teach what I know to you.
The ability to identify who and what a true influencer is and why is crucial, for both broad and narrow topics. For any topic. Just as important is knowing how to interact with each one of them in the right way, in order to get what it is you seek. This is where I've screamed at the conferences for years that link building and public relations at the highest levels must be thought of both in tandem and as one.
Things are getting interesting, and frankly, I like where I'm positioned, pun intended. There's a reason my site (and more importantly, my clients) rank well. A merit based, vertically driven, and etiologic link building methodology doesn't seem so crazy, silly or old school now, does it?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
BuzzStream Continues Improvements for Link Management
To that end, this week BuzzStream announced a series of improvements and features that I wanted to share with you. I don't use my blog to tout services, so this is rare for me, but it's well worth your time to give BuzzStream a try.
Here's a post from them explaining the new features, and here's a quick overview on the link building process management tool.
Try it. You'll like it.